Sunday, March 28, 2010

Facet Injections

After my visit with the Spine Specialist on Friday we decided to go ahead and with injections this coming week and I'll also meet with a Neurosurgeon to talk about Chiari Malformation and what we should do about it. Hopefully surgery is the last option, I can't even imagine having brain surgery but it may be necessary. In the last 2 years I've gone from bad to really bad and medications are not doing the trick.

So my wonderful Mom is coming to town tomorrow because she has many questions for the Neuro and she has to drive me to/from my "surgery". Thank you sedation!! I've had these before back in 2005, from what I remember they weren't bad at all and by the time the medication kicked in, I didn't care about needles in my spine!

Also this week we have soccer, baseball, baseball, soccer and I may or may not get to see my love because he's working crazy hours and playing lots of music lately. I miss my Bunny. to clean my house for the Mom....

For information on Chiari Malformation:

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize they diagnosed you with Chiari! Small freaking world, it's also one of the possible side effects of IIH and/or having a shunt put in. I really hope you don't have to have surgery too. :-( We need lots of ice cream or something.
